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Ruth Tan

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

In this issue, I'd like to do something different. All of the highlights are very interesting videos from TED talks about the way we think. The videos are between 15 to 30 minutes, but they are well worth your time I promise. Hope these resources will help create marginal changes in your life every so often. Let's be enlightened together!

The Puzzle of Motivation

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories -- and maybe, a way forward.

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Are we in control of our own Decisions?

Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, uses classic visual illusions and his own counterintuitive (and sometimes shocking) research findings to show how we're not as rational as we think when we make decisions.

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Why we make bad decisions | Dan Gilbert

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Ruth Tan
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Mei Ying & Terence

We met Ruth to review the multitude of insurance policies that we already had. Having bought them some time ago, we were unsure of our existing coverage and wanted to know if they were adequate and how we could make plans for our growing family. Ruth explains our policies in a way that was so easy to understand and recommended us policies that catered to our specific needs. She has also been really approachable and prompt in responding to any questions - important qualities anyone would want in an financial consultant! We have nothing but compliments for her and would highly recommend her to friends and family!

Najiah Binte Ramlee. Public Service Officer

Ruth is so bubbly and positive, it’s always a joy to meet her. But seriously, she has been a great help especially with my life insurance. Here, she has proven herself to be someone who goes the distance to help make sure the coverage is what you need or want, especially for me with existing conditions - and that’s rare to find. Even if it’s just a chat to find out more, she’s more than happy to share her knowledge so do reach out to her!

Mabel Sim. Undergraduate

I can trust Ruth’s financial advice as she knows what’s best for me and as an undergraduate, I bought my first policy from her and it’s best suited for my current needs! She adds a personal touch and is very approachable and patient when dealing with me, that’s why I know who to look for the next time I wish to purchase another policy. 😊

Dr Claris Shi. Ministry of Health

I usually shy away from Financial Consultants but Ruth was so friendly and genuine, and didn’t laugh at my lack of financial planning knowledge! She took time to go through all my policies and identified areas where I needed coverage. She definitely goes above and beyond her call of duty and is so easy to talk to when I have any questions.

Nurhana Binte Ismail. Public Service Officer

If there is one thing I know about Ruth, is that she is someone I can trust and depend on. From letting her “fly” me in acroyoga poses, to handling my financial plans - I know that I’m always in good hands! She has been a great friend, “cheerleader” and inspiration in our yoga journey together over the years, and I’m proud to watch her grow and thrive, not only as a yoga teacher, but also as a rising Financial Consultant!

Jasmine Ho

Ruth takes time to look into what you have and tries to value add, often putting herself in the shoes of her customers and recommending only what she feels is essential. Thanks to her, I know I am adequately covered in the event something happens to me!